Couldn't we have this as an option? And for some of you from NA, was goblin pad effective at all? It was annoying, but maybe it would've helped me keep my shit.
#Dfo buy gold reddit android
Most MMOs are starting to do secondary login verifications, usually on an android or iOS app.

We need more countermeasures for stuff like this. The other thing we need to talk about is security. The gold you receive when you buy it will be stuff stolen from other players, and you created the demand for it to happen. They didn't get that gold simply by running bots in a dungeonm they get it by sweeping player accounts of all their gold and cube fragments, and soon, avatars. I've spoken to certain individuals who are a part of this community that admits to still purchasing gold despite knowing that it is bad, simply on the mindset that "just one purchase won't hurt anyone". That's how my friend quit NA DFO.Īnyways, there are two things we need to address here. Is there some sort of vulnerability in the game or Facebook? This will start getting really bad we start holding expensive avatars and they disappear. What I'm concerned about is how they did it. They did t take too much, so I'm not too salty. I don't really care about losing my stuff. I logged into a congratulatory mail saying I had completed the auction purchase of a single blue cube fragment on all my characters, so that's how they took my gold I guess. All my spare equipment and pet equipment were sold to an NPC, all my cube fragments were traded away, and most of my gold was gone. A scan of my computer comes up clean, so I don't know how they got me. Since DFO global was preannounced, I hadn't visited any third party sites or links other than this one and YouTube.
#Dfo buy gold reddit password
I've been playing MMOs for 15 years now, and up until yesterday, I thought you only get your account sweeper out by gold sellers if you were dumb enough to give your password away in a phishing prompt, visited fishy third party websites and got a keylog malware, or something of this sort.

It will affect a lot of people taking home money to their families. “This is a big effect to our bottom line. “We’re all owner-operator fishermen, we’re leasing boats,” he said. Martin said he’s holding out hope the change will be reversed. Strobel has spearheaded a petition calling on the rule changes to be scrapped and is also urging anyone concerned about the issue to contact their local MP. “So we were absolutely blindsided by this decision because of all the fisheries, this one doesn’t have a history of conservation problems.” “I think the spot prawn fishery is a gold standard of sustainability, of abundance, of good management,” she said, adding that the industry was never consulted before the change was implemented. Strobel said the industry itself had taken the lead on conservation out of self-interest, seeking to ensure only large prawns made it to market by regulating the size of holes in prawn traps so that smaller crustaceans slide through.